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Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

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news, layouts, etc

ok, so a little mish mash of info here today.

first up... this started today at DHD

& my first dollar kit is up today

{by shannon} using the script

{by me} using the block {I took inspiration from the layout in this gallery}

I also used on this layout the freebie Hello Love Flair, LoveLoveLove papers, InStitches Bright Basics & Neutral Basics & Tag You're It + elements & papers from this new mini kit I created that popped up today at One Story Down {which is free if you complete the girl vs scrap challenge shown on this post}

here's another layout I did with some of the stuff in the kit too...

I also used some things from LoveLoveLove & another Karla Dudley Protector set. & yes, I'm addicted to labels... I'm blaming it on my paper stash... I was inspired I guess ;)

here's a page from Shannon's Project Life album where she used some of the Let's Go too!

psssstttttt.... look for more of the Let's Go coming soon to DHD :)

talk to you soon!


Reader Comments (3)

I really love the Let's Go mini-kit and I am thrilled that more will be at DHD soon.

02.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterShay

I love the LET'S GO sampler and just did the challenge over at Girl vs. Scrap. FUN! I can't wait to see the full release at DHD...does the sampler have extras or are they all in the kit you are releasing? Just curious. I love it!

02.7.2012 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

Aww, I totally miss this challenge! I just bought the Let's Go papers and I lovelovelove it, but is there any chance the mini kit will be available someday? :)

02.11.2012 | Unregistered CommenterYvette Claire

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