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Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

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new at the Company 4.12

well, it's nearly the middle of April... a few days ago we were having 70ish degree weather... today? with the wind chill it's the mid 30s. ugh. oh well, guess spring will arrive sometime {I hope}. I have some new kits in the shop today. I've had fun doing a few different things & I hope you like them too!

you know I love making the Snippets. Love their versatility to use with about anything... & I have a weakness for different sayings. I've collected quotes for a long time, which served me well when I used to do calligraphy a lot. I also love making Project Life type things for you all {since I can never seem to get it together myself} but I do very much enjoy looking at all the great stuff you create :) Remember these are 30% off through Sunday! enjoy :)

by {becca dickson} see? the weather! crazy, but aren't they cute?

by {claudia harvey} using the Snippets & the Dated kits with the Go kit {how perfect!}

by {me} sorry if that photo is tmi.{& the story below really has nothing to do with my new releases}

...and so begins my rambling

for anyone that's known me over the last few years you know I've been doing weight watchers, I reached my goal weight & became a lifetime member & have kept that weight off for over a year. It's been a struggle. I've been in the process of shopping for swim suits & started taking a few shots from my phone so I could ponder my choices {I know, weird}. But in the process, I found myself berating this & that. Seeing everything wrong. But then, I saw a pic my son took of me last summer. Although I've not really lost any more weight {within 5 pounds} I noticed the differences in my stomach in the 9 months since that picture. I could tell my stomach muscles have toned & pulled in tighter. It made me realize the things I'm doing everyday ARE making a change. There are many days I'm still not happy with my body {I am a woman after all}, but I try my very best to see the positive things. I know I've worked hrd & will continue to work hard for what my body is right now & I'm proud of where I'm at. I always think there is room for improvement & so now I'm really focused not so much on losing any more weight but exercising to make my body better that way. I have to confess, I really did not do exercise while I was losing the weight. I focused a LOT on my diet & it felt to me that was all I could handle at the time. That was fine, but now I feel like I'm really seeing things changing even more for the better. I used to HATE to exercise. Some types of exercise I still hate to do, but I have my trusty treadmill & my headphones hooked to my iPhone & my Kindle with a book & for 45 minutes to an hour almost every.single.day I just get lost in it. Sometimes I just walk, sometimes I run & walk, just depends how I'm feeling. But I do it. I'm hooked. If I don't get to it I feel a little lost. It really is an escape. Something I know I'm doing for myself & no one else. Ok. enough of my babble. Anyway... I guess what I'm saying is just begin. You won't be sorry. Even the little changes really are changing you :)


Reader Comments (3)

Amazing story, you look really great!!! ! It gives me motivation to do something with myself, but I'm so lazy to exercise but I have to do it!

04.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterMaribel

You go girl! I saw the photo when you put in on Instagram and I've got to tell ya - you've got more guts than I do! It's really hard to not be overly critical of ourselves. You look great and you should definitely feel good about how far you've come (both physically and mentally). Cheers to you being fabulous!

04.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

Looking good Robyn! Great photo, great story and great inspiration!

04.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterlibbywilko

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