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Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

« new releases 2.22 | Main | Happy Grand Opening P&Co!!! »

new{ish} releases 2.8

hello all! hope you're having a great week... super busy here. between our home, our family & our work, it's been a crazy month so far {I'm sure you all can relate}. anyway, I've had a few requests wondering if I'd be re-releasing a few kits that were in my old digi shop, so I worked to get them ready for you this week! They are both slightly different than the originals. Super is basically the same, but it does have a slightly different look than the original, more a halftone comic effect. Let's Go has the kits I had originally released combined + a few new additions to the elements. Remember, these {as is my entire store} are 30% off through the 10th! So grab 'em up at this great price!

you can also purchase the FULL KIT

by {claudia harvey}

you can also purchase the FULL KIT

by {kelly mobley}

by {claudia harvey}

by {anja dedeobbela}

by {jennifer evangalista}

by {rachel alles}

that's all for now. don't forget to go check out all the great stuff still going on for the Grand Opening! I'll be chattin' tomorrow night 7pm Central at P&Co. hoping to have some free stuff for you if you come by! can't wait to chat with everyone... it's been a while! now I'm off to do some designing & to a weekend jam-packed with 5th grade boys basketball + work deadlines! wish me luck!

also... just a little note to thank EVERYONE who has stopped by P&Co the last month or so to check out the forums, the gallery & to fill their cart! It means so much to me & everyone else there! I'm loving my new digi home & I hope you are as well!


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