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Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

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project life. week 5. jan 29-feb 4.

This week I did another set of digital pages.  I sent the last 2 weeks off to Persnickity Prints to have them printed to see how I like them. If I like them just as well as my paper pages, I think I'll probably keep doing the project digital, if not, I'll probably go back to my paper versions... my order should be here tomorrow, so I'll let you know what the verdict is.

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this week started off with Catholic Schools Week at the kids' school. Collin served mass, Evan & some of his school mates represented the school at mass while Father talked about HTC. Wednesday was mass with Evan at the elementary, donuts & coffee & then the rest of the day off of school to get Collin & Evan to the dentist.  No cavities, but braces were mentioned for Evan's future :(  Wednesday I also started the Stretch your Kit class at Studio Calico with Amy Tan. When we got back home from the dentist, we noticed that there were a bunch of Cardinals & Blue Jays out our kitchen window, so I caught some pics of those.  They don't show themselves very often, it seems.

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Friday was a busy day too.  Lydia & I babysat my great niece for the day, we had haircuts {& styling by Pam for Lydia, which she LOVED}.  My sister Kathy was in the hospital from Monday-Friday after having the stomach flu... a real bad deal since she has type 1 diabetes.  Thank goodness she's ok now & hopefully doesn't happen again any time soon! so scary. I added a screenshot of her facebook update announcing she was coming home :)  Saturday was lots of whatever around the house.  Playing with Lydia in her room talking about superheros, designing kits for this week & cookie baking were also part of the day.

I do enjoy creating these pages digitally, but I'm still so torn, because I love doing it with paper too... why do I have to be the indecisive type?!? lol

you can peak a few little sneaks of some products I have releasing tomorrow at DHD on the pages too :)


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