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Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies

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I'm in love again...

& it's not what you think... of course I'm still so in love with Dan, our kids, our house & all those wonderfully terrific things in my life.  I really believe & try to make this blog a true reflection of myself & what I'm about, so I thought I needed to share this with you. 

So, for real, I've regained the love that I had lost for scrapbooking.  Almost 12 years ago when I first started to scrapbook I was head over heals for this hobby.  I don't know what I loved most... collecting the papers & embellishments, indulging my artsy self in the pages, finding a way to highlight all those little moments in my photos... I think it was a combination of everything.  And then, around the time Evan turned one, I started designing products... & I was still full into the hobby.  I loved creating with my products, other companies products & creating projects to be taught at classes when needed.  Then, when I  dove straight into designing full time, it gradually ground to a halt.  At first I was ok with it, but the more I saw what some of my friends were doing in scrapbooking, I had a deep sense of guilt for not being able to document my children & their lives & was also feeling guilt of having tons of scrapbooking goodies on my shelf, but they were not being used.  By this time we had just the boys, but soon after we had added Lydia to the family & I was having a hard time finding time & motivation to scrapbook her new life. To be totally honest with myself{& not trying to damage anyone's feelings here}, over the last several months of designing digital products, I realize that what I was creating in paper was not the type of stuff I would really use on my pages & projects if I had the choice.  Sadly a combination of deadlines, interest {or dis-interest} in the theme, lack of inspiration, & perameters I had to work within had brought me to this point. That was really hard for me to admit to myself.

I'm so happy with the path I'm on & all the possiblity that it holds for me... & I'm so thankful for all of you that have joined me & supported me.  So I thought I'd show you some layouts I've done just over the last month or so.  I've made it a requirement to myself to create with all my kits the week they're released.  I've also been playing around with lots of the other designers kits at DHD & love them all too!  I can't tell you how wonderful it feels {I'm sure some of you know this feeling well} to be so in love with this hobby again, indulging my artsy side while documenting all those little & not so little moments in our family life. 

I know... sorta heavy on the images, but couldn't help it!  If you'd like to see what I've used for the above layouts, you can check each one {& more} out in my DHD gallery

thanks so much for letting me spill my feelings... I know so many people who are so passionate about this hobby, so I know I'm  in good company here!  Happy creating!


Reader Comments (5)

lovely post! Having turned a former quiltmaking hobby into a business, then having to succumb to the commercialism of it all, i think I can identify. It took me a while to rediscover my love of sewing.

Love your newest collections, as do many others! And love seeing all these layouts!

02.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

Those are awesome layouts ! Love the one with Lydia and all her quotes. Glad you're feeling the love!

02.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterKirsten W.

I'm so glad that you rediscovered this love - I simply adore your pages and your kits! I also share your love of morning coffee :)

02.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

I am so glad for you Robyn! Sometimes we get in a place where we are trying to make other people happy or doing things that we think others will like! You have so much talent and I am so glad you are able to share your passion with us through your creations!!! This is only the beginning for you!!! Love ya girl!!

02.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterShelley Haganman

I know just what you mean, Robyn! Sometimes it's hard to be creative when deadlines are constantly looming. I'm so glad you found your spark again - your work is gorgeous! And, I've totally been digging all of your recent designs too!

02.22.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarey Bridges

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